Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Algore vs. Belching Cows and Farting Mooses?

While cow's breath (the odor -- not the flower) is not one of my favorite fragrances (I never could figure out how "sour" grass could be converted to "sweet" milk), Algore may have met his match as a hot air blow-hard.

Take that anyway you choose. I do, however, recommend NOT lighting any matches for the rest of this post.

The Algore environmental crowd are sniffing out bovine gastrointestional odors as another cause of global warming. They're now blaming cows and moose for melting snow caps and homeless polar bears.

And speaking of belching and farting -- Algore obviously never met my Dad.

Dad's belches would rattle the neighbor's windows; his farts brought tears to the eyes of anyone within 50 feet.

Funny thing is, I always figured algore as a "pull-my-finger" sorta guy.

But I digress.

So read the article.
